Galerie Michel Graglia VINTAGE POSTERS

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Historically speaking, the heyday of the poster stretches from 1880 to the 1970's.

By the end of the 19th century, posters had become the most influential form of public information, coloring the streets of Paris and the western world.

Since that time, collectors' interest in these unique works of art has continued to grow.

Such posters have a striking decorative capacity, given their intense pastel effects, the moving density of their inked surfaces, and the genius of their draughtsmanship.

They are sought after as much for their aesthetic qualities as for their historical significance.

detail of "Pygmalion" by Misti -1907 -

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Galerie Michel Graglia 21 rue Maufoux - 21200 Beaune - FRANCE - Tel. 03 80 22 23 50 - Port. 06 07 33 23 98 - Email :

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